BioAq energizing water has proven to be an excellent aid in cultivation. A large number of professional and private growers have reported significant improvements with the use of BioAq structurers.

Investigations and pilot tests have been carried out by BioAq over many years. hese have been carried out on professional farms as well as smaller-scale cultivations and even on a small scale in planting containers. A common feature of these investigations is that the cultivation under study has been divided into two parts: one irrigated with BioAq water and the other irrigated with control water. There has been no noticeable difference between the BioAq cultivation section and the control water section in terms of exposure to sun, heat, water, and so on. In the case of cultivation in containers, further measures have been taken to minimize differences in external conditions; the containers have been rotated regularly. Subsequently, the cultivations have been monitored, observed, and differences reported on a regular basis.

Many differences between the areas irrigated with BioAq water and those receiving control water have been noted in repeated tests and investigations. Among other things, the following improvements have been repeatedly observed with irrigation using BioAq water:

  • Increased production and larger yields.
  • Products become larger in size.
  • Plants are more drought-resistant, which also reduces vulnerability to climate change.
  • Many products have significantly better taste.
  • Many products have a better fragrance.
  • Seeds germinate earlier.
  • A higher percentage of seeds sprout.
  • Certain plants develop faster in the first weeks.
  • Vegetables and fruits ripen earlier.
  • Root systems become more extensive, stronger, sturdier, and more elastic.
  • Water absorption in plant cells improves.
  • Plants and fruits have a longer shelf life. Cut flowers last longer.
  • Plants develop sturdier stems, and some cells have significantly thicker cell walls.
  • Potted plants bloom more abundantly.
  • The need for pesticides decreases.
  • Growing containers are easier to clean due to lower water surface tension.

The numerous investigations and pilot tests conducted, along with the positive reports from users, strongly indicate a connection between the use of BioAq water and the improved results. Research on a larger scale will be carried out.

One example of an investigation conducted was on a farm in Montenegro, where professional cultivation includes watermelons, tomatoes, and eggplants. The investigations were carried out as described above, with crops separated depending on which water they received. Other differences between locations were minimized as much as possible. The positive results from irrigation with BioAq water were numerous and the differences were clear. Some measured outcomes included increased harvests, larger product sizes, earlier ripening, better taste, and reduced need for irrigation.

Below are a couple of images from their cultivations:

Zucchini cultivated using BioAq water (right) and tap water (left).

Here are some other images from investigations and pilot tests:

Grass cultivation
Mung beans